The Reason(s) why Itachi Uchiha can't defeat Madara Uchiha

If you're reading this you'll obviously know who Itachi Uchiha and Madara Uchiha are and I know you've seen those memes claiming Kishimoto said that "Itachi can easily defeat Madara" or "Itachi can defeat Madara" Well I for one don't believe that because of all the facts I've been able to gather from researching about the two characters.

Well to know who would win in a fight between this two awesome characters I'll  bring out all their specs and compare it to each other.
Firstly I'll compare their chakra reserves or chakra level.
From the story we'll see that Madara had a higher chakra reserve and we can confirm this from his fight or battles with Hashirama. One thing Hashirama Senju the first Hokage is known  for is his high chakra reserves and Madara has fought Hashirama multiple times and from the aftermath battle between the two you'll see that Hashirama is really fatigue because of the amount of chakra he had to expend, and for someone to push Hashirama this far or to go against him to a point of making him "fatigued" shows of your chakra reserves and your skill, and also apart from his battles with Hashirama, Madara has also used Jutsus that showed his high chakra level, examples are ; Fire style: Majestic destroyer flame or from Naruto Ultimate Ninja Strom 3 full burst "Great fire annihilation", wood stlye; deep forest emerges or emergence (can't really remember which right now) , though he used the wood style when he was reanimated and had infinite chakra but before he died I'm sure he used the majestic destroyer flame and even before he died he did the perfect susano'o and Ohnoki stated how much chakra the perfect Susano'o had (indirectly though) and Madara once battled Hashirama for a day to show how much his Chakra reserve is.. and we know Itachi isn't someone that has a massive chakra reserve, though skilled and being an elite from what we've seen of Itachi he isn't someone to have a massive chakra reserve like Madara Uchiha, I'll say his Chakra reserve is equal to that of Kskashi, so yeah Madara wins in this round.

The next one will be on their "SPEED AND STRENGTH".
Both of them are very fast but let's compare how fast they are. Itachi was able to go toe-to-toe with chakra mode Naruto who was very fast and that shows Itachi's speed is obviously A rank and from the way he dodged killer bee's attack that showed how sharp his reflexes are.
Well for Madara when he was brought back to life, attacked Naruto with a speed that Naruto couldn't even react to and during that point in the war, Naruto's senses and reflexes were much more sharper than when he fought Itachi in Chakra mode but he still couldn't react fast enough to Madara's speed.
If you watched that scene or remember that episode you'll obviously know how fast Madara Uchiha is and  also when he fought the 5 Kages he was able to react to an attack that was point blank that came from an instant teleportation even the second mizukage that was a sensory ninja couldn't react to the attack and this shows that Madara's, reflexes are much more sharper than Itachi's and to be honest if Itachi was in Madara's situation he wouldn't have been able to react to that attack.
For speed I'll give Madara.
For strength its obviously Madara, no debate, I mean he literally sent Naruto flying with one hit.

The next will be their NINJUTSUS and how each other can evade it.
Firstly Itachi's ultimate jutsu which is the "yasaka bead or beam"
can easily be avoided or deflected but for madara's ultimate ninjutsu(excluding six path Madara) will be the susano'o slice(I'm not sure that move has a name πŸ˜…,but if it does please do well to tell me in the comment section) which can be avoided by Itachi if he uses the yata mirror but if he attacks from the susano'o rear Itachi will die and the shattered heavens (name gotten from the game "NSUNS3FB")
is a wide range attacks that can destroy several enemy but yeah Itachi can block with the yata mirror if he can use it to shield his head with the susano'o but if not he's dead.
The next ultimate attack jutsu Itachi has would be the amateraus which Madara can absorb with the Rinniegan
but even if Madara didn't have the Rinniegan he would still be able to dodge it with his speed (I talked about the speed before) .
The next attack jutsu Itachi has is more of a genjutsu which is the tsukuyomi. Now let me explain why the Tsukuyomi won't work on  Madara or a mangekyou sharingan user. The reason is that you can break the tsukuyomi with a mangekyou and yeah I know y'all  are going to disagree or have doubt about this but please see my reasons.
The first reason was because of what Itachi told Kakashi when they first fought, he said "only an Uchiha with a true sharingan bloodline can stop me" and what he told Sasuke when he said "come back and face me when you have the same eyes". Itachi wanted sasuke to have obtained the same eyes because obviously he would be stronger and also because if he had the mangekyou he would be able to break the tsukuyomi, and see another reason why I'm sure the mangekyou can break the tsukuyomi was because of what Itachi planned for Madara after his death, he placed the amaterau on sasuke because he knew there was no way Madara would be able to counter it (which Madara later countered or evaded). Itachi before doing this knew he had two strong visual jutsu the tsukuyomi and amaterau, if there was no way for Madara to break the tsukuyomi he would've gone with the tsukuyomi. Knowing who Itachi is he would've considered this totally and my conclusion is he didn't do it because Madara could break it with his mangekyou, I mean if he couldn't break it the tsukuyomi would've been the fastest way to break him(Madara).
Now the other way the tsukuyomi can be dodged is if you don't get caught in the first place just like when Kakshi made his clone get caught in it and the clone since it wasn't the real one it will just "undo" the clone and that will drain Itachi. The only way this can happen is if you've been caught in it before.
The next and final would be the fact that sasuke broke it. My theory for that is sasuke used orochimaru's chakra and passed it through his own to break it.
So from the first point this shows that the tsukuyomi won't work on Madara. And with  the Rinnegan Madara can just sense where Itachi is amassing chakra and evade it. And also in a fast pace fight Itachi won't be able to do the tsukuyomi.
The next strongest jutsu from Itachi is the totsuka blade, which is a sealing jutsu.
The sword can be used for normal sword attacks and also for sealing. But to get  Madara Uchiha he has to get him from the blind sport 'cause Madara won't just watch him stab him.
And also there are some jutsus that Madara will do like the deep forest bloom that will immediately immobilize Itachi and jutsus like the wooden dragon that can absorb chakra.

Now the final point will be intelligence and Experience.
For experience its obviously Madara due to how long he has been fighting and the opponent he has fought.
For intelligence I'll give Madara, I mean  the dude planned his rebirth and the fact that he'll come back and become the ten tails jibchuriki and complete the infinite tsukuyomi. He also showed intelligence when he cancelled his death by placing the izanagi in a timelapse( don't know if timelapse is the right word but he did what Itachi did to sasuke for his meeting with Madara but what he(Madara) did here was he placed the jutsu on himself that after a certain amount of time it'll activate).

Well from the point I brought out you'll see Madara Uchiha is far superior to Itachi Uchiha and I know most people be saying Madara uses stolen powers but you'll also see that without the powers he got from Hashirama his own powers at mangekyou sharingan or EMS is far superior to Itachi.

Well I hope you enjoyed this post and If you have your opinion please leave your comment in the comment section(no abusive comments please). Thank you for taking your time to read this I'm really grateful and I'll do my best to be consistent.... see ya πŸ™ƒ.

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  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Sorry I removed your comment it was a mistake and thanks by the way

  2. I disagree...if itachi was to fight rein animated madara he'll probably die, but the real madara (before he had internal mangyeko sharing
    an) is extremely weak compared to itachi. Simple... I'm sure your capable of doing the analysis.


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