Shisui's teleportation jutsu explained

Hello everyone, how are you doing?, I hope you all are taking the necessary precautionary measures against Covid 19.

Today I'm going to explain how Shisui's teleportation jutsu works.

During Itachi's childhood both him and Shisui had encountered three foundation members and Shisui took on two foundation members.

In his fight against them he performed an hand sign to activate his "teleportation ninjutsu".

So this "teleportation ninjutsu" really got me confused for a long time because when he did the jutsu he wasn't faster than he was before he did it but instead he multiplied.
His multiplication confirms that this wasn't the body flicker technique. So what kind of teleportation is this? It obviously isn't the Flying Thunder God technique.

This ability or teleportation jutsu is called quantum teleportation.

This ability allows one to multiply himself (different from the shadow clone technique) with the original still intact and creating perfect copies of himself.
It isn't a shadow clone jutsu or clone jutsu because if it was then the sensory foundation ninja could've found the real Shisui and if it was a shadow clone jutsu the copies would've popped from the shock from the force of the big foundation ninja.

The only reason I could confirm this technique was becsuse of the anime Aldnoah Zero. The main character was able to decipher the technique used by the enemy and he called it "quantum teleportation".
When he said that I immediately traced it back to Shisui's teleportation jutsu.

Well that's all I have to say, if you enjoy my content please share and subscribe @

See you next time on Luka_Anime_Insights


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